
Have you read " White Americans no longer a majority by 2042" ?

by Guest45167  |  earlier

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Check out the "related searches" that are by the way chosen by the authors...

"Hispanic", "birth rates" , "Census Bureau Thursday" & "MANMADE DISASTERS"..

Seriously , Yahoo! ? This is a manmade disaster ?

What do you guys think about this?




  1. I am happy I am old. Over population is going to be a very big problem in America. Soon white Americans will be forced to sneak across the border to take over Mexico and start a new country.

  2. I KNEW IT!!,.....I KNEW IT!!,.....I KNEW IT!!!

    I knew that there has to be a great reason why Obama is all of a sudden against "affirmative action"!!!!...........hahaha!!!

    It's almost time to turn the omelet upside down!!!....Of course, affirmative action *will not be needed* because then the *minorities* wont be the minorities any more.  What are they going to enact then,.....a *negative action* so they can stay above the others.....

  3. Thats awesome

    We the mexican/latino races deserve to be the majority

  4. I probably won't be alive by then, so who cares! Most of us will be old and senile anyways.

  5. Why would u think it's a disaster? The US was not white to begin with.

  6. I read it, only a racist would see it as a disaster.

  7. It's about time!

  8. What's your point?  Americans of all colour and creed are still Americans. Based on the situation with your neocon, white government leaders, it would probably be a good thing.

  9. I've felt like a minority for a good 6 years all ready, anyway!

  10. Could you imagine the uproar in the UK if the headline was "White Britains no longer a majority by 2024", or France, or Canada?

    The world calls the US racist, but things like this are no big deal for the US.

  11. First world countries are having less babies because its too much of a strain to have like 3 kids or more which is like the rate at which you replace the parents then have the extra one to boast the surplus. I think its because theres no desire to, theres overpopulation, lack of this , lack of that, too much stress. A woman has greater control over her right to produce than women from less advanced countries. Its like that joke "what do you call a woman with 2 blue eyes?  Well taught"

  12. I havent read it,I remember a while back where i'm from,Ireland,there was a study that showed that Irish people wont be the majority in Ireland in years to come,due to the huge influx of eastern europeans mainly Polish,i have nothing against my eastern european friends,theyre great folk.Its just the idea that we will be a minority in our OWN country kinda shook me a bit.still i look at little irish  kids learning the polish language and little polish kids picking up a hurley and learning to play our national sport..that and their beer is dirt cheap and will blow the head off ya! good things all round.  

    This study you speak of is it just that instead of  white americans being the majority instead it will be black americans or hispanic americans..if thats the case i don't see the problem...they're all Americans at the end of the if its just immigrants taking over the country,i can see the worry,the idea that your national identity and culture will be stripped away..umm..saying that America always been a melting pot anyway of different nationalities etc,no real set culture...yeah not too sure what the big deal is actually.  

    No real goes on..just differently.

  13. Yes, I read that news report yesterday. Today a family of 5 mexicans, (the wife pregnant again),  was crossing the intersection in front of my car and I was reminded of that article.

    Hispanics in the USA are breeding at a rate HIGHER THAN THE COUNTRY OF NIGER, which has the highest birth rate in the world. If the present rate of breeding continues, their population will double every 25 years.

    That's 46million now, 92million in 25years, 184million in 50 years.......

    You just can't keep doubling your population every 25 YEARS!



  14. Makes me want to move to Norway, Sweden and Finland where blond, blue-eyed people are in  no danger of being a minority.  LOL

  15. that's what happens when unrestricted immigrartion is allowed.

    we should have learned from the indians.see what happened to them.

  16. I honestly thought we already were the minority and my opinion is that it will happen much sooner than 2042.  We are being flooded with immigrants who think having babies is their only job on this earth whether they can support them or not.  Yes, this is considered a major disaster in my book.

    Edit:  I don't consider myself to be a racist...just a realist.  Our country can't afford to continue spending the billions of dollars a year that we spend because of illegal immigrants.  If the numbers continue to grow then it could be a serious disaster...economically speaking that is.

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