
Have you read the lates Yahoo article: "Oil execs defend huge profits before Senate"?

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How do you feel about these Executives living it up while we pull our hair out every time we fuel up?

Here's the full article:




  1. I do agree we don't have a choice but to purchase gas and go to work. We have family's to feed and jobs to do. I would take a bus but seeing as how the closest "big" city with a bus is over 60 miles away that's impossible. Everyone I know has to commute to work at least 15 miles or more. If oil was so hard to find and in such demand then the "oil execs" wouldn't have such a profit, but they are lying to us about it jacking up prices just so they can line their pretty little pockets and BUSH IS BEHIND IT because he wants to have a coosh life style when he's booted out of office so he's "stock" piling now.

  2. ok lets say they just stop producing gasoline from oil, they have just had it and decide to get out. Who would make our fuel? It's not like any joe schmo can refine oil. What would we do in this country if the oil companies simply gave up? We are at their mercy, so its not like we have any choice.

  3. Yea they are making alot of money. But, their profit margins are not outta line with all manufacturing. Beside they have stockholders they have to answer too. Also, 40% of all IRA's and pension plans are invested in oil stocks.

    Stop crying and do something about it.  Stop using it. Find a way to do without it. It can be done. Why should they lose their profits so that Joe Blow can drive around in a buse size SUV that gets 9 miles to the gallon? Or Jane Doe drive 1/2 a mile to the store for a bag of chips and a soda?

  4. Yell I watched it on MSNBC and they are a bunch of ....

    I can't say the word they are not worth my breath to say a word that will offend God

    .. . ..

    And for them to say "I don't know what I made in dollars I forget"

    It sounds like they are thinking all of America is a bunch of s***w balls

    .. .. .

    And for the government to just say

    Well when you do find out what you made let us know ha ha ha ha on that one sucker

    .. .. .

    What should be done with them

    Ship them all off - family - relatives - and friends to Saudi Arabia where they will be at home with the rest of OPEC

    .. .. ..

  5. Myra says: Ohhh... so they are doing something about it after all.... or is that what THEY want us to think....

    I think we need to check their books, no not the "fixed" books, the real ones... I dont trust them or any evidence they voluntarily provide,....

    lets see some dirty laundry baby!

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