
Have you read the new No. 1 anti-Obama best seller by Fredossi? Pretty damaging, don't you think?

by Guest63997  |  earlier

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If you haven't read it, you should go out and buy it. It answers all the questions you ever had about his association with Wright, Ayers, Farrakhan and the reasons for his anti-drilling proposals. Pretty shocking, to say the least.




  1. Don't post politics here.  There is a special spot for politics and people like you.

  2. I'll look tomorrow at the book store.Thanks for the heads up.

    The GOP will prevail again.

    B.Hussein a huge dolt.

    And he will be soundly defeated.

  3. Havent read it.

    Frankly, Im sick of seeing his name, at the moment.  

  4. don't believe everything you read.  

  5. do you really think obama is good? i think he sucks and hope mccain beats him!! if you disagree you should go vote for obama on this site..

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