
Have you read the origin of species?

by Guest56739  |  earlier

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I'm reading it now because I talked to people who knock the bible and claim the scientific proof of evolution, but sound like idiots when I ask them how a monkey can turn into a man, they go on about I should read this so I'm reading it to see what the crazy mu********fu**********er was high on. It's gonna be a long read probably have to extend checkout time.




  1. Not very high on the brain cells, are ya, buddy? *laughs* I'm thirteen, and I read The Origin of Species when I was ten. I'm almost afraid to ask your age because if you passed 7th grade, you should already know that monkeys didn't evolve into Homo sapiens, we merely had a common ancestor. Charles Darwin was one of the greatest geniuses of all-time, and I can't imagine someone like yourself (or at least what I know about you from your question) being able to understand the first sentence...

    Of course then, that's just my take on the situation. *smirk*

  2. I've read the beginning.

  3. It looks like Fire Cougar has your number, twit. Please stop reading the Origin now, as your ignoramus eyes may pollute it.

    Science MUST include observation? Have you observed the atom, or gravitational forces? No, just the effects. You are sorely  ill informed.

    gm8888. I am a zoologist who is 57 years old. The only thing you appear to be qualified to teach is BS.

  4. I guess your the answer to your question is yes, I have read it.  Check out also some Catch-22 action, another tough read but worth it.  That one will blow your mind about war.  I forget the name of the book, but there is also one simial to Catch-22.  Something to do will the charachters not really being charachters because they are all paralysed and the whole book is a bunch of thoughts linked together.  Thr Origin of Species will explain to you why we still have a stupid tailbone.

  5. No, I'm not evolved enough to read such intellectual work

  6. If anyone tells you that monkeys turned into man, they clearly do not understand the theory of evolution, which just means "change over time."

    If someone told you to read Origin of Species, they probably haven't read it themselves.  It is written in the style of the time, but now most of us would find it dry and hard to follow.  I have only read excerpts assigned by my professors to give us a "feel" for it.

    And FYI, the book is not about evolution, it is about natural selection.  So you probably won't find what you are looking for anyway.

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