
Have you read the "Patriot Act", If not?

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Are you aware that it gives a sitting president the power to call a "National Emergency" and suspend ALL civil rights and suspend Both the House of representatives and the Senate. Are you aware that while under a "National Emergency" presidential decrees have the force of LAWS?

Just like what is happening in Pakistan.




  1. Just another deceitful chip away at the freedoms our constitution gave us. We have in this government an elite force that will continue setting laws that get passed because it would be tough to vote against something that is called the patriot act. To do so would be to imply that one is unpatriotic when the opposite is the case. Dissent is patriotic yet they will have us believe different by means of a controlled media that either buries facts or doesnt even report them. Then to put the icing on the cake Bush signed into the federal registry directive 51 this directive is very chilling and what is simply amazing is that Hitler had a law passed to safeguard against dissent it was called directive 51.

  2. Yes, I have read it. But I'm pretty sure that most of the Senators and Representatives who voted for it did not. "National Emergency" and suspension of civil rights is something we can deal with if it happens. At least we can see it happening and take appropriate action.

    What really scares me is section 215 and the "sneak  'n peek" searches authorized. Since secrecy is mandated in the law, we will never know whose rights have been violated.

    The whole thing is enough evidence that our fearless leaders have violated their oaths to defend the Constitution, and should be enough to remove them all from office. This comming election, we need to clean house, from top to bottom.

    John Ross Hendrix for United States Senate

  3. Yes, that's why it's very dangerous and we need to repeal it!  This is a war on the American people.  People have this illusion that is keeps us 'safe'.  Congress didn't even read it before they passed it.  Ron Paul is the only Pres candidate that I know of who talks about repealing the Patriot Act and he voted against it. This reminds me of Hitler's Enabling Act... very scary times.

  4. The wording of this un-Constitutional law enables the government to set up martial law at any time. Practically any

    event can be deemed a "national emergency", leading to a

    complete revocation of the Bill of Rights. Possibly the most

    frightening part is the fact that any crime, local,state, or Federal, can get you labelled as a "terrorist".


  5. I think most citizens of this country are not aware of the largest part of content of the Patriot act.   This came under law during a time of extreme distress and fear.   People can be controlled by fear...make them afraid enough and they will do anything to feel safe again.   I have to wonder what our forefathers would think of this document or the many that died to keep the freedoms we now take for granted.   What do you expect from an administration that referred to the Constitution as a God dmmmmed piece of paper?

  6. Sorry, I have not read it I guess I am not a patriot.  I guess I really should though since reading just the constitution is so passe these days.

    Actually it is so long that I did not want to waste the paper and toner to print it out from the Internet.  My congressman promised me he would let me have his copy once he reads it for himself.

    BTW, the cops can stop you for no reason, ask to search you and your car, if you say "no" they say that your lack of cooperation is "probable cause that you are hiding something so they toss your car any way.  This is before the patriot act and the government agents that search your belongings every time you fly under the assumption that if you fly there is probable cause you are going to hijack the plane.

    In Pakistan the opposition candidates can be assassinated and the elections go on anyway.  I don't think we are quite that bad yet.

  7. Yes.  That is the plan.  Yes!  Now encourage everyone to write to their congressmen before it's too late.  It was big and think and officials ran out of the senate building because of an anthrax threat.  Never read it.  Never.

  8. Yup, it's a Big Brother kind of document, for sure. Gives me the creeps. Way too much power for one man to wield. It needs to be abolished.

  9. It's actually a shame that most of the representatives and senators didn't bother to read it much either...

    Another stone for history to throw at Dubya!

  10. Well, the power that you speak of has always exsisted. It was just better defined. The president could always call a national emergency and suspend such things as habias corpis. Also, martial law would make any order legal. This just elaberates on it a little more...

  11. I have not only read it but had a college level class on it.

    Apparently you have not.

    Can you _quote_ (with references) the sections of the document that say the things you claim it does?

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