
Have you read this issue of Nature?

by Guest33966  |  earlier

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Nature 17 January 2008 Volume 451 Number 7176, pp223-372

Contains a Year of the Planet supplement with several very good articles on climate physics and so forth. Worth picking up if you can get it.




  1. Cool, thanks!! I think i might need this since i am doing a research essay on global warming. LOL, i'm supposed to help you.

  2. So, you don't read reputable journals?

  3. My new subscription to Nature starts shortly.

  4. The Wall Street Journal is better. They tell the truth.

  5. I hadn't seen it yet.  Thanks for the link.  Too bad certain uninformed individuals around here won't bother to read any of the articles.  They prefer to wallow in ignorance, rather than stretch their brain by reading real science.

  6. Here is the onlne version of Nature:

    It offers limited, but free access to journal articles.

  7. I have read much of it. Very informative! But look out, it will be labeled as liberal propaganda.

  8. Interesting read. Sounds like there is still much to learn about atmosphere and ocean interaction. I suppose they will need to rework the models again. When they get that figured out maybe they will work on the solar cycle / low level cloud relationships.


    What I am implying is that when you have an increase in low level cloud cover, there is less IR in the atmosphere and that CO2 can't radiate what is not there.

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