
Have you received an E-mail about Celtic striker, Scott McDonald ?

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Will never play football again, due to the serious nature of his injury ?

Put another way, do you suffer from an acute physcological social disorder ?

Which makes you lie all the time, about everything ?

That you are fabuosly wealthy,that you own a massive company, that you are highly educated, despite barely being capable of stringing a coherent sentence together, that you know everyone from Pele to Billy Connolly, on a personal level, and you had a fireworks display in Brought Ferry, on the east Coast of Scotland, that 'all of Glasgow could see' ?

t******e, it's you I am talking about.

I am bored with your 'unique prat' and endless hahahahahaha at the end of each and every one of your tedious and falsehood-ridden posts.

This is your kiss-off, liar.

Report this as a violation, it's what you are good at.

Unfortunately, it is outwith my power to rid this forum of you. But I can rid myself of you. A bit of free advice

Get some help, it doesn't cost anything.

From now on you don't exist, as far as I am concerned.




  1. skippy, voh and moneylony hee hee hee..

    52 in the bag

  2. Paratus, why do you let everyone and everybody you disagree with get to you so much. You're always wound up, by this, that and the next thing. Dinny let everythin, git tae yi so much.

  3. Hear Hear, your one person i thought i would never agree with, but Brian is a pathological  lier, i have said it all along that he sprouts bull shite on here, i also think he is behind several multi' accounts.

    Its easy to come on a forum, and say what-ever you like, I'm sure we have all told a porky along the lines, but he has exaggerated to huge proportions, he needs to feed his ego you see, and he can pretend to be what-ever to satisfy that ego, after all there is no come-back on him, or so he will seem to think..He has low self-esteem and for one reason or another he makes up for that though lying on here..he also has a immature problem, you can see that from his answers..

    His belittling of Ferguson was disgusting, the act of a sad man, what kind of humour does it take for some-one to do such a thing to get a kick out of it..he is no better than the scum that spam this forum, but then again i said he was behind multi's..not hard to work out..

  4. I haven't =O

  5. You and oracle should get a room and sort out your differences in there. You might find you have a lot in common.

  6. Your rant is worrying - why the h**l do you care about another poster on some web page that you visit?

    One of you needs help - maybe you should get some, apparently it doesn't cost anything.

    Your own comments on other questions are hardly perfect.  As a Celtic supporter, I find your assumptions that I have any interest whatsover in Irish politics and terrorists offensive and immature.  But then I get on with my real life and leave you to your little "I'm an important member of Yahoo Answers" fantasy.

  7. i got one from Ronaldinho begging me to get Thistle to sign him

    somehow im sure its a wind up....

  8. no Scott McDonald has never emailed a lovely one from Aiden the other day though :-)

  9. can you no think up a question by yourself


  10. Awwww is that you finished then Silly Billy? What a shame, I was really enjoying ripping the pish out of you.

    I am sorry to hear about your boyfriend leaving you and I will be less of a thorn in your side. I promise never to take the pish out of you again, I didn't realise you were so fragile but I suppose if you were in love with him and he buggered (hahahaha!!!!) off with a younger man, you may be peeved. I do hope you don't go away and do anything bad, like slashing your wrists or taking lots of alcohol and paracetamol.

    Bring it Silly Billy, oh and Hahahahaha!!!!! 5 in a

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