
Have you recieved a rumour E-mail about Rangers captain, Barry Ferguson?

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I have just got an E-mail from a usually reliable source, who claims that Fergie's ankle operation was unsuccessful and that doctors have told him he won't play again. It would be a shame because he is Scotland's captain as well. This might just be a rumour with no substance but the guy who informed me is a family friend of Barry.

What do you think? No smart **** answers please, remember it's a guys career and see past the fact he plays for Rangers.




  1. heard this rumour long ago, pretty poor effort for some tim to come up with that and email it to his rangers supporting mates.  sorry oracle, i know you said you have a fairly reliable source, but this rumour has been rattling about since he announced he was going under the knife.

    its just grown arms and legs, moustache, b***s, an extra eye and three erses since.

    the captain will be back in November, for club and country.

    incidentally, this rumour was going about when he underwent his last op too.  pinch of salt.

  2. full o wind n p!sh, is this the same rumour mill that said, pavlyuchenko, tamas,kadlec,madlung were on their way. not even robinson wants to go to dark heap

  3. there was a rumour that he had taken up to 3 cortozone injections and as u know that is usually the maximum amount that they will give you but as with any rumour it is hard to tell fact from fiction for his sake i hope it is just a rumour

  4. believe it or not, but you will ,because you want to !

  5. i did hear another rumour today i heard rangers think they were going to win the league  

  6. hope its not true as he is a great captain for rangers and scotland

  7. Heard this a few weeks ago. Its probably not true though, maybe he will be out longer than expecting and things have been exaggerated

  8. The only reason that little fud is Scotland captain is cause he plays for the huns I for one wont be loosing any sleep if his career is finished good riddance to the little useless prick

  9. i wouldnt wish that on the guy but it might explain why wally signed aw they midfielders.

  10. there was rumors that this had happened but to be honest i thought they had been made up by Celtic fans..however if what you are saying is true then this is a huge blow for Barry..

    As a captain he is a good leader for Rangers you only had to see the reaction when he was not there..I personally think the loss to Kaunas was a lot to do with him being injured.

    All Celtic fans can slate him but we all have to say what he does he does well...

    now I have praised the guy if this is a wind up Oracle I will be after you...

  11. rumour E-mail says it all i dont like him but hope its not true!

  12. I havent heard it but if thats true it would be a shame, Its never nice too see a players career cut short by injury. All the best Barry, now go and get those coaching badges.

  13. it is only 7 it weems a wee bit quick.he needs time to recover and rehab..

  14. That's not good news for him, i think he'll be a real miss for scotland and Rangers.  

  15. I know for sure that it's true, The ankle operation wasn't expected to be 100% successful anyway. its not just the ankle injury though, Its also the knee. He's being advised to quit or risk more injuries that may cripple him. I hope he takes the advice and does not give in to pressure from Rangers Fans.

  16. hope its not true he will be missed..if it is true he maybe end up coaching at ibrox or far as bowing to pressure to resume his decent fan would ever do someone said maybe thats the reason for walters midfield signings..

  17. You sure are full of pish t******e and ally are a right couple a fuds

  18. You wish.  

    'Usually reliable source' is that your out for talking tripe, again ?

    Here's one from a totally relaible source:  Your team have no strikers worth a feck for Sunday's game, and will get pumped.

    Now run along, and do your usual, report this as a violation.

    Anyone with an ounce of sense will treat the 'inside information'  as nothing more than another figment of the t******e's vivid imagination.



    That aint have rich from you, a pathological liar.  I have counted at least 6 occasions where you have tripped yourself up with your own lies.  

    I would wager you anything you want that your statement is total bullsh1t, like everything else you have to say.  

    You act big only because you have your PC to hide behind.  When your bullsh1t is proven to be just that, you will blame your 'source'.

    Truth is, you made it up, along with all your millions, your tall stories about who you know and my personal favourite, the fireworks display you held in Broughty Ferry, that "all of Glasgow could see".  Priceless.

    I think someone let a firework off in your brain.

    As for the 'everybody' on this forum, speak for yourself.  A year ago you had a wee hate campaign going against Struth, now you could not get further up the guys erse.

    Run along now, I am bored.

  19. I hope it isn't true as it would be blow to rangers and scotland.

    In the end though this is his health we are talking about and if he has to quit well so be it,I would rather he did that than risk permenant injury to himself.

  20. Oh dear, never mind, it happens to all professional footballers in the end, it's just wear and tear, even Gary Lineaker had to retire because of a big toe problem

    Barry Ferguson will be just fine if he has to retire

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