
Have you seeen a UFO?

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Indeed, have you seen one? When I was a child, I saw an object that resembled very much a flying saucer. It was flying at unimagined speeds, too, like a bullet.




  1. Yes I have. It just looked like a flashing star, but it couldn't have been a star because it flashed on an off every 20 seconds or so, like a flashing strobe light on a tall tower or airplane. After a few minutes it stopped flashing and faded away without ever moving. I was at a star party and we even looked at it through a telescope. It just looked like a star in the telescope too.

  2. No, although I've seen things I didn't recognize.  That does not mean there are or are not UFOs.  

    How long ago was it that you saw this object?  By the way, most bullets travel from just below to twice the speed of sound.  Pretty slow for "unimagined" speeds.  

    Jonathan Livingston Seagull had it right -- "Perfect speed is being there", which is about how fast you can travel in your imagination.

  3. i saw a flying car yesterday no lie!!

  4. one time when my mother was home alone and about 10-14 years old she claimed to other seen a huge ufo hovering low to the ground while taking her dog out.

    I'm a little skepticle.

  5. I think the universe will be a waste if there is no other life up there, but I never seen one.

  6. nope, they arent real

  7. If it was truly flying like a bullet...then how did you see anything at all?....Do you know how fast a bullet travels?.....

  8. I was 17 with a friend going to git something to eat, it was dark but clear skies. I looked up and saw about 9 red lights in a half oval shaped line. It was big and high in the sky and then I saw a light on the left side disappear, and a light on the right side appear. This went on for a few seconds and then they all started to disappear one by one. After it was gone I looked back at the road And had to swerve off the road to avoid hitting a truck in front of me. I am now 27.
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