
Have you seen Maureen Dodd's column on where Obama's Interent funding is coming from?

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Check out the New York Times (Maurene Dodd's column) - this is serious stuff! If you wondered how Obama was getting so much money - and became so popular, now you know the truth! It's time for the American people to shut Obama down! He is being promoted by our enemies!!




  1. Maureen Dodd, after an extensive investigation of her credentials has turned out to be from a part of the universe that we can only dream about. Check out sometimes when she blinks her eyes it seems like she may have a third eye right in the middle of her forehead......

  2. and if you want to buy her as an expert you should go onto the net and see what she has said about Bush, Chaney, and just about anyone else she can find to throw dirt at in order to sell papers

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