
Have you seen Wendy William's show on Fox yet?

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I was at the live taping on Monday and was not sure what to think. It was a bit off because it was her first live day I think. I love her but wish she would talk less and let the audience talk more and stay with one topic before jumping all over the place with 100 topics. Do you think it will last?




  1. From the commercials, it sounds like she is only signed for about 8 episodes.  I haven't seen the show because judging from the commercials, I wouldnt like it.

  2. personally no it wont work because she does tok 2 much and cant stop sayiing "how u doin" she is pretty cool and i would like her show to continue

  3. Yet another attempt by Fox to make one of their no-talent contract players a daytime talk show star. It didn't work with Ryan Secrest or any of the dozens of others they've tried in the past 5 years or so, and it won't work with her.

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