
Have you seen ZEITGEIST the DOCUMENTARY.......???

by  |  earlier

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I think we have all been lied to .....


It starts off slow but watch it till the end..





  1. lol you think,We were!

  2. I watched 15 minutes of it, and turned it off.  If you have a valid point to make, I'd love to hear it, but there is no way I'm wasting two hours of my life on this video.  It's long on visuals and short on substance.  

    That's not to say that I don't geniunely appreciate discussions about a higher purpose for mankind, or a glimpse into the true meaning of the universe.  However, I require facts.  I don't think I want to submit to two hours of torturous, slow moving film in the hope that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  Show me the pot of gold first, THEN I'll look at the rainbow....

  3. Yes.  

    It's lame, wrong, idiotic and only a fool is willing to suspend belief long enough to actually believe it.

    If you are just now joining the conspiracy bandwagon you need to do more research.  Some twit posts this junk weekly.

    Anything else?

  4. Ive seen a few parts

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