
Have you seen a ghost?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Three farmer boys were in the big city and they walk past an Evangelist meeting.So they stop to listen.The preacher is talking about ghosts,and hear yells to the crowd 'Has anyone here seen a ghost?' Billy puts his hand up and shouts 'Yes Sir I have seen hundreds of them,I have had s*x with quite a lot of them too'. There is a deathly silence from the crowd, and the preacher stares at Billy as if he is going to lynch him. Billies two friends drag him out before the crowd erupts.Once in safety his friends turn and ask him what he was thinking of telling all those people that he had had s*x with lots of ghosts. Ghosts? said billy surprised I thought he was talking about GOATS.

  2. Yes. Why?

  3. yes why thank u.. have u?

  4. More than once? Have you?

  5. yes i did at my old house

  6. yes he said to say if you asked, I never saw him. You must of really offended him

  7. Yea, a few months ago actually.

  8. no....its dangerous....theyre demons..

  9. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    I HAVE NOT!!!!

    SORRY!!!! WITH THE CAPS!!!!!!!! I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    May God bless you all!!!

  10. Ive never seen one but when my mom was younger she lived with her mom dad and her brothers and sisters and there was suposedly a ghost that haunted their house

    it was of an old woman who died there before they moved in they would sometimes see her walking around the house at night

    she had a specific path she would walke everynight and if someone was in the way she would like literally hit them idk if its possible but thats what my mother says and i doubt she's lying

  11. Nope, I've never seen one.  I know a lot of people who have and I believe them....
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