
Have you seen cockroaches fake their death?

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I hit a cockroach in the bathroom... since it stopped moving I though it was dead... a few minutes later, it moved again and escaped..




  1. I dont think so... mash it hard..

  2. It was probably just stunned. They are very hard to kill.

  3. They got that from hanging out with possums.

  4. maybe it's not really faking its death, it's just that it's not yet dead. i sometimes think that cockroaches have evolved in some sort of species that makes them very hard to kill, even with the use of insecticide. but anyway, you just have to hit it hard, and make sure it's dead (or else it might just escape again). oh, and here's a good tip, if you could 'turn' the cockroach on its back, after the first swat, it would be very hard for it to assume 'normal' position again, and this time, you could smash it, bull's eye! :)

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