
Have you seen eBay's latest changes that go into effect in October?

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When I heard about the feedback changes I was slightly rattled, then when they were actually increasing seller's fees I became more rattled. However, those just rattled by these issues, have not seen anything yet. Now eBay is going to force the seller to accept only Pay-Pal, Pro-Pal or merchant Credit Cards, if a sellers DSR drops below 4.3 they will not be allowed to list new items, and finally if you sell media (DVDs, Books, etc.) eBay will tell you what you can charge for postage, and give most sellers incentives to give away free shipping.

NEW POLICIES can be found at:

Link to where eBay is attempting to make it appear more profitable for the seller:

More proof that eBay does not like the sellers or buyers. READ Griffs answers to these questions.

How can a company stay in business with this type of attitude?

Additional proof that eBay wants you to fail as both buyers and sellers (By not allowing you to take checks or money orders) Guess Christmas shopping will be a bust at eBay. That is okay I am starting to like better anyways.

Read all the forum at:

And tell me if the webpage: that we were warned about is not in fact coming true. This is almost as bad as when Wal-Mart threw away there “Made In The U.S.A.” stance. I guess eBay will be better off selling to the Chinese since all this junk gets made over there anyways.

A YouTube video where you can hear eBay lie about these changes at the 2008 eBay live conference can be found at:

And all the eBay radio, townhall audio can be found at:

I know we are not going to be able to change eBay's ideas about these major changes but I would like to know what you think about them, and if you have any good links related to this subject please include them with this question.

Maybe it is time for people to truly take a look at what is happening to the economy and how big business is allowed to get away with anything and everything they want to. AND no i do not think either McCain nor Obama could fix these problems.




  1. I don't use ebay much anymore > I found that while the item price was reasonable, you'd get ripped off on shipping & handling fees.  Which didn't make the deal so good.  

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