
Have you seen how Britain came 26th out of 29 on the European Health Care League?.?

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After 11 years of Labour's poncing about,even Health Services that shake Bones and consult Sheeps' entrails are AHEAD of us!




  1. That is what happens with a Labour government in power!

    If you elect me, I'd sort out immigration, the Health Service and the situation with our forces!

  2. Reading the Daily Mail is bad for your health.  It makes you all red-faced and stressed.

  3. As a conservative I have only praise for the NHS. 4 years ago I was told that I had cancer of the bowel. It was just a matter of days before I was given surgery which to date has proved successfull. I was in the Selly Oak hospital in Birmingham where I was given the best treatment from all the doctors and nurses there. I can only speak for myself but I can say without their care and attention I would probably be dead now. My sincere thanks to all the staff at that hospital.

  4. People don't seem to have to wait as long as 10 years ago. That's the thing I dislike about the Conservatives, as even if things are better they hate it and search everywhere for statistics to put the downer on things, as they would rather everybody was worse off so they have the chance to get voted in, so they can treat people like dirt. They even took away free eye tests for pensioners when they were in power.

    Oh, and newspapers lie in Britain as they all have a political agenda.

  5. for the most part i have had excellent treatment in NHS hospitals, where i find it insidious is this governments agenda in privatising it.

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