
Have you seen my little meatball? It was on top of spagetti.?

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Have you seen my little meatball? It was on top of spagetti.?




  1. On top of Spaghetti, all covered with cheese,

    I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.

    It rolled off the table, and onto the floor,

    And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door.

    It rolled down the garden, and under a bush,

    And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush!

    The mush was as tasty, as tasty could be,

    And then the next summer it grew into a tree.

    The tree was all covered, all covered with moss,

    And on it grew meatballs, all covered with sauce.

    So if you have spaghetti, all covered with cheese,

    Hold onto your meatball, 'cause someone might sneeze.

  2. Bless you. You must have sneezed. Spring allergies, I presume.

  3. did you lose it when somebody sneezed?

  4. Sorry, it's under a bush, but it's nothing but mush.

  5. I've seen all your little meatballs.

  6. All covered with cheese?

  7. yes I saw it in the garden,under a bush...

  8. OMG!! Its RIGHT THERE!!

    Don't you see it??


  9. Didn't it roll outside? I forget how the story/song went.

  10. I sent it back to you. I Fed-exed it. It must have gotten lost and Sponge Bob ate it. lol.

  11. yah, waiting for a bus at the busstop

  12. I ate it!

  13. Follow the cheese trail maybe???

  14. It's been sneezed on and rolled all over the floor and in the dirt. You still want it?  I think it's long passed the 5 second rule (God made dirt & dirt don't hurt)

  15. all covered in cheese. It rolled off the table and on to the floor.

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