
Have you seen my sanity? I think I lost it...?

by  |  earlier

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I have 5 kids home for Summer (4 of mine...and 1 niece). Well, my 5 year old niece is sick...I love her very much, but she is driving me crazy. She refuses to eat...won't take her medicine...and is whining. She is sick & I know she must be miserable without her mom here. I am trying my hardest, but I am exhausted. Although my 7 & 8 year olds help, I still have a 2 & 4 year old that need a lot of my attention. My kids rarely get sick & when they do, they just want to sleep all day. I am not sure what to do here. She has a sore throat & had a slight fever yesterday. The fever is gone, but her throat still hurts. I have tried popcicles, soup, juice...she doesn't want any of it. She wants a hotdog & soda...should I give that to her? My kids don't drink soda, but I am desperate. Wouldn't that make her throat worse? Yesterday, all I got her to eat was some cereal. I have her for breakfast, lunch &, if I don't get her to eat then she doesn't eat all day...




  1. ice cream works- well u eat lots of it when u have ur tonsils out so im sure it would help a sore throat. or try some hot orange juice with honey mixed in- seems to work.

  2. It's OK to let her eat whatever she fancies if she is ill. If it goes on for more than a few days, though, take her (or ask one of her parents) to the doctor, as she may need antibiotics.

    If she does not seem to be ill other than saying she has s ore throat (with no obvious redness when examined by the doctor), consider that she might be trying to get you to feed her whatever she wants. Maybe she eats hot dogs and sodas all the time at home? A good chat with her mum would shed some light on this.

  3. Let her eat what she wants. When your ill your phycological health can mean a lot: hotdogs and soda will be familiar, and make her feel 'less home-sick'. I don't know if it will work, but it helps me =P

  4. Soda shouldn't hurt her throat.  If that's what she wants, I'd say that it won't hurt to indulge a little.  And if she's willing to eat the hot dog, go for it.  If you haven't already, you can give Tylenol or Motrin for the sore throat, it will help with the pain a little bit.  See if she'll sit in front of the TV watching her favorite movie for a while.... she needs to rest.  

    I know it doesn't feel like it now, but your sanity is just around the corner..... you'll get it back soon.... :)

  5. your sanity stopped by here for just a second. said to tell you he'd see you in the fall!! Good luck, your doing a good thing!

  6. Sounds like it's going to be a battle of the wills...and I think yours might be losing! If she really wants a hot dog, let her have it...I don't see any harm in that. The soda, however, I would not give in to. Not only is it not fair to your children but it is not good for her, especially if she is really sick.

    On another note...if she is sick why is she at your house when you have young children who could easily get sick as well? I know she is your niece and love her, but it might be better if she were at home with her parents. She would be happier and your kids would stay healthier.

    Good luck!!

  7. Your sanity might have run away with mine, I will let you know if I see either or them......

    When I have a sore throat I drink soda, I think it helps.  I would say that if she thinks she can eat it then she could eat it.  I know that you don't usually let your kids drink soda, but I think they could all have a treat, it's summer :-)

    Or you could compromise.  Let her have a hot dog, but she has to have juice with it.  

    That has to be horribly hard, I can imagine you are exhausted! Good luck :-)

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