I've seen so many rude, and ignorant posts on here. It really is distasteful. People shouldn't act like this, and it makes you seem like a fool. You're not getting your point through, you're not helping your candidate.
There was this post, asking if Obama has enough experience to have the biggest job in the world. 1 term senator. He obviously knows he doesn't since he picked a VP that does. Anyways, that poster with alot of rude comments and grammar said this:
"please tell us the amount of experience your lord and master BUSH held before he became president.....thought soo...next question please im finished with you"
How ignorant was that? They have this same experience, him and Obama. People in 2000 didn't think he had enough experience for war, so he got a VP who did! Sound familier? And look what happened. I'm not bashing him, but just look at that comment, and look what actually happened. That comment is absolutely ignorant!
I love this site, and i love politics. Don't you just wish people weren't so uneducated, rude, and igorant when discussing this?