
Have you seen the 140 pic slideshow of Palin family? Willow was hardly seen at all?

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Many shots of Piper and baby Trig, most of Bristol and Levi, the very few of Willow were not clear except a couple where she is holding Trig, and in the family group pic. You know kids, if they aren't getting the same amount of attention they will usually do something to get it lol, she needs some spotlight. As a mom of four then foster mom of three, and a grandma I am an expert on this subject.




  1. You may be an expert, what you said has not one thing to do with Palin being nominated for VP to possibly run the USA. For all you know, and it's none of your or my business, Willow may be introverted and doesn't like her picture taken. Believe it or not, their are people like that.

    Oh, you must have missed last night-she stood onstage in front of TV cameras with millions watching.

  2. I am also a mother of 4, grandmother of 2 ,and foster mom to countless wonderful children.  I became pregnant at 19 and did not in anyway, do it to get attention. My parents were extremly loving to all 6 of us and in no way did my pregnacy have anything to do with me not feeling like I was being left out.  You should not assume such a thing about this family.  

  3. I think the pregnancy and the fact that he is a special needs child has caused the media to focus on two children more than the others. If I were one of the children I'd be grateful to be out of the spotlight. I think they are all getting the right amount of attention from their parents. I'm sure you remember how each child needed more individual attention at one time or the other but the siblings seemed to understand as long as they knew you loved them all.

  4. Ok, So I can kill and gut a moose.  And I have pulled a

    36" steelhead from the freezing river.  And I have snow-shoed across the frozen plains.  And my oldest daughter was pregnant at 16 by a biker.  And I'm a commited Christian.   And I put all my family's pictures up on Flickr.  And I will be running for the office of Governor of California in the next election.  So now, how many people went and looked at my family?

  5. As a Mom of a an 18 year old who ended up pregnant I disagree. Kids will do what kids will do. No blame needed! My daughter has been married to the father for 13 years. My grandson who is an exceptional human being  will turn 14 this September. Sometimes it is not what happens but how you handle things that makes a family.

    Obama 08!

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