
Have you seen the cover of this weeks Enquirer with the picture of the cat sup kings Mistress and baby?

by  |  earlier

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Right at the grocery store checkout here for all to see. This was fodder for our coffee




  1. Have no idea who that is, I never buy the Enquirer but I do glance at the headlines waiting in line.Oh Him, that don't interest me, but Patrick Swayze and his cancer that is so sad.


    Saw It  

  3. Personally I hate to see all of this in the papers. Its hard enough on his wife and children without all the publicity. I've lost respect for him no matter how many times he apologizes or makes excuses for his behavior. I don't think much of his immoral mistress either who obviously is too dumb to even use birth control.

  4. So sad for his family that he has just 'lost it'. He seemd to think that because it happened when his wife was in remission, that somehow,  made it less offensive. Losing a child must have been difficult, but it was no more difficult for him than it was for his wife. So insensitive. What was he thinking?  

  5. Yes, how disgusting and disrespectful!!  I hope his prostate swells up as big as his ego!!!

  6. Nah. . . the only thing that interested me was . . . buy prescription drugs cheap ! ! !  

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