
Have you seen the documentary, "Constantine's Sword?

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Did you learn anything you hadn't known?

What is your religion?





  1. No, LDS

  2. Constantine was a fraud, and he started the Roman Catholic "church"

    shows a pattern huh?

    I'm am a non-denominational Christian.

  3. No.  None.

  4. Constantine was the downfall of the Christian faith.  Within his "sword" lies the missing links.

  5. No, but I've ordered it.  I look forward to getting some useful material for a future presentation to the Forum at the Ethical Society.  [I'm an atheist and a member of the society.]

    Lots of times a book or movie can provide useful insights even if it does not give you any significant facts you didn't already have.  Putting those facts up in certain combinations may help you understand them better.  

  6. No, but I found this review if you are interested:

  7. Not yet, but it's on my list, as I've noted your mentions of it and it sounds interesting :)

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