
Have you seen the recent poll of Muslim students on Britain's campuses, reveal that 30% believe that?

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murder in the name of religion is justified and that 40% support the introduction of sharia law in our islands.

Poll carried out for 'Islam on Campus.' page 4 todays Observer.




  1. Well that means there are 70%who have a healthier outlook on life

  2. disgusting they should all be kicked out of our country or at very least made to feel so unwelcome and scared for there life's they leave they live in our country they should live by our laws

  3. And what's the betting they never gave their names and addresses....

  4. taking another life is never jusitfied... where do we get these people...

  5. It does not surprise me!

  6. So the real answer ist,don't believe all you read.Monkeyface how right you are.

  7. Crazy people+crazy religion= Total madness!

  8. No, I had not seen htat.  But as an atheist I can well believe it. I decry ALL religions as a source of social division, hatred and a means of population control by a small select bunch - Priests, Vicars, Imams, Rabbi's,Pundits etc.  It bad enough with the politicians trying to manipulate us all the time without the bl*ddy religious bigots.

  9. It's in the papers so it MUST be true of course.......

    Newspapers will seize on anything that seems sensationalist.

    Sharia law is about many things, but it's always the negative aspects that are portrayed. Extremism is wrong, so is inaccurate/misleading reporting.

  10. Believable.

  11. If I disagree with that will I be called a racist?

    The Hooded Claw©        well spotted.

  12. Murder is not allowed if they are true Muslims. If they believe that they should not be in the UK. Quite frankly, if they want Sharia law they should go and live in an Arab country.

  13. "No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies." -- Dean Acheson

  14. You see!..... the lack of a real education can cause disillusion amongst it's people....Murder can never be right how ever you may dress it up....

  15. Why don't these Muslims just back off. Their religion is abhorrent to most Westerners, we do not want their ravings stuffed down our throats at every opportunity, this is our country. What Muslims want is the formation of the 'Islamic States of Europe'. Believe me these people will stop at nothing. Germany, Austria, Holland, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland and others have all put blocks on the building of further mosques, they realise the danger. What's happened here, the dogoodering? woolly liberals on appeal committees, allow Muslim Council appeals after the elected authorities have turned down plans for mega mosques. there was one in my home town of Dudley this week, when some stupid unelected committee allowed an appeal to build a 1,000 capacity mosque at Castle Hill, overshadowing our famous castle and zoo. this was after the elected town council had thrown the plans out. they are also going to build one of these buildings on the site of the Olympic games stadium. they must be stopped before it is too late. if they don't back off I dread to think what might happen. Or is this what they want, to create more idiotic martyrs.

  16. If there was no such thing as religion what a peaceful place this world would be.

  17. That is a symptom of Nu Layber's 'vision' for Britain.

  18. I agree with the NUS on this one who dispute the poll and say that the whole methodology and purpose of it was deeply flawed:

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