
Have you seen this? It is amazing. It will put Vot to shame. What do you think?

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I believe I am a much better dancer than Vot and her balancing books while shaking and twisting her hips..anyone can do that. But my dance is so complicated and took me many years to perfect. Take a look at:

I am sure you will be amazed.

What do you think of my dancing?




  1. You must be very BORED! LOL ...

    BTW.. I think you need more practice LOL!

  2. Im agree that you need more practice and Vot is sexier than you.. lol

  3. Hahaha- Why oh why did I decide to take a peek at my emails when I woke up in the middle of the night? Now I won't sleep again- LOL!!!

    You're crazy!!!

    Here's another Y!A user who put Vot to shame- Jeff S.....

    *tries to go back to sleep*


    *Keeps getting mental images of Hitler in wedding veil for two hours, giggles and gives up trying to fall asleep. Gets up to go shower. It is morning already anyway*

  4. What is this ongoing obsession you seem to have, with those who have been (or, are) in Direct Opposition to Jehovah God Almighty?  (For those who didn't notice, the name of the video offered by the Questioner is "Hitler", & the other day 'he' was calling himself "Satan"----*both* MULTI-MANSLAYERs in opposition to Jehovah God!.)  

    "Bad assocition *spoils*..."

    'What Christians say and do today *reflects upon* the message they bear as well as upon the one they represent. As light bearers of the good news of God’s established kingdom, they can bring glory to God, but only if they are *proper* light bearers. So “let your light shine before men, that they may see your fine works and give glory to your Father who is in the heavens.”  --Matt. 5:16.

    "Some are always 'running off at the mouth,' seemingly not caring what results therefrom, even if it adversely affects close friends. Such persons you have learned to shun; you even feel contaminated by associating with them, fearing that their *inconsiderate* conduct might rub off on you. Yes, you know that bad association spoils useful habits, that evil communications corrupt good manners, that bad company ruins good morals. (1 Cor. 15:33, NW, AV, RS) So be careful in the choice of friends. Why not choose friends who have resolved: “Through [Jesus] let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name”? --Heb. 13:15.

    "Such excuses as

    ‘I’m sorry,’

    ‘I didn’t mean to say it,’

    ‘It was a slip of the tongue,’

    ‘I spoke without thinking,’

    do help to some extent to heal unintentionally inflicted wounds when one does not keep his tongue under control. But how much better to think *before* you speak! How much better for the mind to direct the speech along *constructive* lines!..."

    “I tell you that *every unprofitable saying* that men speak, they will render an account concerning it on Judgment Day; for by your words you will be declared righteous, and by your words you will be condemned.” --Matt. 12:26, 37.

  5. Just when we thought it was safe to go out on the dance floor!!  LOL  You are just all over the place today, literally and otherwise.  HaHaHa

  6. I saw Miss Vot's & now your dance.

    Why would Jehovah's Witnesses be so concerned about who can dance the best ?

    Is this building up respect for your fellow witnesses ?

    If i was a Jehovah's Witnesses i would be more concerned about how this looks to outsiders like me.

  7. I wondered where Vot learned to move so well,Now we all know LOL

  8. Hum!  

  9. Laugh and we will laugh with you, dance and you are on your own.  HeHeHeHe.

  10. you got style man, who is this vot slag  

  11. I have a slow connection that makes watching Youtube painful.  But if Vot thinks it's good, it must be good.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not humorless people.  We do enjoy our (clean) fun!

    "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven...a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to DANCE..."-- Ecclesiastes 3:1, 4 (New Revised Standard Version), emphasis added.

    Exercise is good for the body and the mind.

  12. wow! that only took u a few years to perfect??? it would b like a few decades for me! man, have u tried out for So You Think You Can Dance??? u would make i for sure! haha, lol!

  13. I love both of you, so I will say you both are good dancers.

  14. Nah, you need lessons....

  15. I have a quote from a watchtower for Q2&learn and Debbie7785757 or whatever.

    Christians who are basically serious and may have little interest in certain forms of recreation should not look down on or be critical of fellow believers who may enjoy sports, dancing or other amusements in a wholesome way. (Rom. 14:10-12) The Bible counsels: “Do not become righteous overmuch.” (Eccl. 7:16) So, a person should watch that he does not become overly concerned and make issues about strictly personal matters. Being thus overly righteous could lead to his displaying rash zeal and, worse, a merciless, unloving attitude that could result in his losing God’s favor and blessing.

    The person who is righteous overmuch gets overly concerned about minor matters. For example, he makes big issues over things that are strictly human procedures or methods, matters that are not set forth in the Scriptures.

    Persons who are righteous overmuch often give no thought to what would be the merciful, loving or helpful thing to do. They take rules to the ultimate limit. When, in their estimation, some rule has been violated, they do not take anything else into consideration.—Compare Matthew 12:2-7; 23:23; Romans 14:1-4, 10.

  16. I see Vot has some competition. lol

  17. It was just really hard for me to get past the hitler guise to appreciate ur dancing.

  18. Cute.  


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