
Have you seen this? What do you think it is?

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and the story




  1. It must be the bigfoot really. Lobsang Rampa, writer monk of Tibet, said on your book" the third vision" , had bigfeets on Tibet and he (it) was a specimem of being between humans and monkeys(i think), that not evoluted, and that there are a few them today.

    Here at latin America, some years ago(from 1996), had some agitation about the "chupa-cabra"(literally "Suck-goat"). Some goats on little cities, has died with two litlle holes on the neck and without blood (not totally), like teethmarks vampires.

    Only animals (chickens too) were attacked, some peoples said saw the 'thing' and was very uggly, and different everything had seen. Nobody has fotographed, but the descriptions was equals, here in Brazil or in Mexico.

    Remember that shark discovered recently at Japan's sea?

    It must have so many animals and creatures to be discovered...

  2. it looks like a depressed miniature arangatang,   ?????

    keep your head up monkey its ok he's prolly digitally altered

  3. Why are all evidence pictures taken with crappy quality? You answer that for me!

  4. It's a bear!

  5. Looks like a monkey or a really skinny bear.  REALLY skinny.  Much more like a monkey, if it weren't in PA.  Maybe it escaped from the zoo?

  6. Pa wildlife experts have already said its a bear with mange.

  7. I think it's a really hairy terrorist.  Needs a total body waxing!

  8. *sniff*

    I smell fraud.

  9. That's a Jersey Devil going to Pennsylvania.They love the cheaper cigarettes.

  10. That being a Big Foot reminds me of seeing the big tub with small sprout not even a foot high with a placard proclaiming the sprout is a Giant Sequoia.

  11. The way it's hunched over, the way it appears to be walking, it looks like a chimpanzee to me. Just because they're not found wild in PA doesn't mean one couldn't possibly be there.

  12. I have been out there, on bigfoot expeditions in Oregon and Northern California and There is no way that a person could camp out, deep in the forest with no tent and come home claiming that Bigfoot existence is impossible. Actually you wouldnt even have to go in too deep. You could get lost walking in 5 feet from the road.

  13. I think it's more likely it's some sort of bear with a medical or health condition rather than a Bigfoot.  This is especially the case since other bears were photographed by the same camera right before or after this picture was taken.

    EDIT: This picture was taken with a low-light, motion-sensor camera.  Hunters mount them in trees in order to plot movement or presence of game.  A buddy of mine has a bunch of these.  The pictures they take directly influence when and where he hunts.  They tend to be lower quality images because high quality cameras aren't necessary for the kind of pictures they take.  These cameras are not designed to document Bigfoot.

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