
Have you seen this documentary film about Bulgaria and been totally sickened by it? Protest to the Bulgarians?

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  1. Yes, I could not believe the utter neglect these children were suffering. I was crying all the way through the programme.

    In this country you would be prosecuted for keeping an animal in these conditions. It is disgusting and Bulgarians should hang their heads in shame.

    I have signed the petition in your link.

  2. some times the depth of human cruelty takes me by serprise....but not very often.

  3. So what?

    It`s their country nothing to do with the UK.

    But there will be people complaining that the UK should do something. Then when they do, the same idiots call them interfering ******** and they should leave.

    No win situation.

    Nowt to do with the UK, their country, their governments problem.....!

    And the petition will make NO difference at all.

  4. Northern Lad is right. The video is sad. Another thing I want to point out is that most of the children at this facility are of Turkish descent...

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