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by Guest34244  |  earlier

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Gordon Brown is now being brought to task by the EU because his budget deficit is over 3%, well seeing that the EU have the solution in it's own hands that is typical. The easiest way to reduce the budget deficit to 0% is to stop paying the gravy train in Brussels. Don't you agree?




  1. citizens pay heavy prices for ignorance.What can Brown do-apart the best from the worst?

  2. And why is the budget defecit so large?

    We are the only EU country that is still pouring billions into pointless blimming wars!

  3. The cost of the EU far exceeds the benefits it produces for any single member state or for the Union as a whole. Initially the aim was to create an environment where businesses from all over Europe could trade more easily and to heal rifts that 2 world wars had created. It wasn't to have the same health and safety policy in the Ukraine to the one in Germany or for poorer countries to off load their dead wood onto more prosperous members. It wasn't to spend billions and billions of $'s on creating and promoting itself as the governor of Europe.

    We need to look very closely at dismantling the European Parliament and removing many of the powers we have bestowed on it to control the lives of millions of citizens with ever more restrictive and ridiculousm expensive bureaucracy and legislation.

  4. No. How about the EU stops the UK's obsene rebate instead? Why is it that Brits have to blame everybody else for their problems. A lame Prime Minister who has put us in a situation where we have the biggest government borrowing in Europe and where UK personal debt totals more than the other 26 member states combined! is the problem. Blaming "Johnny Foreigner" for the UK's woes is wrong and it is this kind of attitude that will finaly sink the UK

  5. you forgot the hundreds of translators in Brussels and Strasburg !

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