
Have you seen this ice dancers, I want to know how do they do to spin that fast without getting dizzy?

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Have you seen this ice dancers, I want to know how do they do to spin that fast without getting dizzy?




  1. You begin to get used to spinning with much practice. You also learn to focus on one point so you don't get as dizzy.

  2. You mean doing twizzles? When I do them I don't find a dizzy motion going on, but maybe it's more because I'm so busy thinking about keeping my heels up that I have no time to notice my surroundings.

    As for spinning in general, your ears become desensitized to spinning as a defense mechanism. Exercises to cause dizznes on purpose is actually a treatment for chronic central vertigo.

  3. After so much spinning - overtime skaters get desensitized to getting dizzy (the eyes and inner ears just get used to it by continual practice)!! It's not so much that they get dizzy during the spins, but upon exiting the spins (when the spinning motion stops)!  

    If anything, the head and eyes are kept still, looking forward.  But there can be different head positions depending on the spin (the head can be lower for a camel spin, or the head can be totally up for a layback or headless spin) - some spins make a skater dizzier than others.  

    Figure skaters do not spot like dancers.

    "Ears, Eyes, and RPM's - Spinning and Dizziness" Pgs-3-6 for technical info about it:

  4. i asked my mate that cos shes amazing at skating and she said she jus got used to it

  5. usually skaters just ajust to spinning round

    with more practice they get more used to it

    all i do is look upwards and it stops me feeling dizzy ;]

  6. they focus on one item and whip their head around faster than they are spinning.

    Therefore they are able to keep focused on one thing and not get dizzy and fall down.  though that would be hilarious!!!

  7. Skaters spin so often that they just get used to it, and therefore don't feel it as much, if at all.  

    Honestly, I feel dizzy for a couple seconds after coming out of a spin (especially a fast spin, like a scratch spin), but it goes away quickly.  Sometimes I do a quick turn in the other direction to get rid of the dizziness.  

    Skaters do not spot spins (like ballet dancers) because spins on ice move way too fast to do that.

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