
Have you seen this new invention? WATER POWER......?

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A man has invented a system where "water" can be used as the fuel for welding, for cars, for heating homes, etc. This could be the answer to most of the world's problems. This will eliminate our dependency of fossil fuels, on bio fuels, on coal, on natural gas, on propane, etc. If it comes to pass the cost of gasoline, gas, and other fossil fuels will drop like a rock, and the big gas companies will loose their control over us and the economy. This will cut back pollution by 80%. The cost of travel will drop. This could be the greatest thing since the pyramids.




  1. I have seen it.  You have to electrolyze the water to use it.  That uses electricity.  Electricity is generated mostly by coal and oil and natural gas.

    It eliminates no problems.  In fact, it is energy inefficient because of the heat wasted during electrolysis and the heat wasted during the burning process.  Water is essentially burnt hydrogen.  You might as well try to use soot, ashes, or carbon dioxide as a fuel.  It is a scam.

  2. WoW! No, I havent heard, but that is AWESOME! Where do I get it?? I would love to read more details, let me know if you have any, e-mail me, thanks!!

  3. Sounds good to me.  Been saying the same thing forever.

  4. Yes but think of all the people working in the oil companies they will lose their jobs and become poor.Plus you are saying it will stop polution a bit well ill tell you it will still waste water and we will be thirsty and

  5. yea its really cool the main advantage is that it is going to reduce our dependency on oil therefore there would be less carbon dioxide emissions. It is true that through electrolysis we are using electricity which produces carbon dioxide emissions but they would be cosiderable less than  using gasoline in our cars since they only release heat and water vapor.

  6. Hooray we are SAVED!!!...

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