
Have you seen what the Gypsies get up to in Italy?

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  1. I wouldn't worry about Italy, they do that in Oxford street.

  2. It's about time somebody stood up and took some action against these sorts of criminals. No doubt the UK will be their next port of call.

  3. I'm not sure it's PC to call people Gypsies anymore...

  4. No I do not read the daily mail,nothing reported in the FT

  5. In Italy, up until about two decades ago the 70.000 Gypsies, or Roms (Romany) as they call themselves, were never a serious problem. They lived a semi nomadic life with their caravans, some were stable and did odd jobs. “Thieving” was one of their many  trades, but  it did not create undue problems. All  this changed when the Balkan Roms fled in the face of the Serb defeat (their allies) and most came to Italy, with their main “trade”, begging, a merit in a Muslim society, a plague in ours. Self inflicted wounds, the exaggerated showing of cripples (some made so at birth, for a future career), the use of infants and children, a double career in thieving and begging, is considered “normal”. They were soon joined a a wave of Rumanian Roms, with more or less the same habits, but the added one of child prostitution (forcebly beaten onto it). The Italians, a tolerant and rarely violent or   racially discriminating  folk accepted the onslaught for a while, even the 12 year old  girl, who was arrested and freed 84 times. Until too much was too much and the outcry risked getting out of hand. The new government, voted in on a “Law & Order” ticket (especially the new Mayor of Rome) clamped down, counted them (over 152.000), took most off the street, started outlawing begging in many towns and, the latest, started taking finger prints, especially of trhe kids. Racial discrimination? The opposite. Italy has a programme to introduce a whole series of ID (from finger prints to DNAs, tomography and other bio items). Why start with Rom kids? Because every time the thieves or child prostitutes or  little beggars are rounded up, the parents refuse to identify them and they are invariably released scot free. Nomadic gypsies  without a trade outside crime are not welcome in Italy, and people want the “sent home”. There are programmes, though, to re-educate and absorb them into a “normal” society, Venice (with popular opposition, even though most are Italian born) is going ahead  with plans to build them houses, others are offering them jobs (quite a laugh to the elders, but many kids are interested). The Mail article only shows an ounce of  the whole story, which is even more gut wrenching. There could even be room for nomads in our society, if only they adopted legal occupations and foreswore crime. Centuries of “tradition” are difficult to forget.

    LATEST NEWS: a young girl Kosovan-Serb of 12 has just given birth to a baby in a North Italian town. Her "husband" who had bought her at the age of eleven has been arrested. His defence: "it is part of our tradition". Italy and Europe reject these so called barbarian traditions. There are, of course, positive traditions that should be saved, but the people as a whole should be re educated, children first.

  6. My uncle told me a trick they do is at the piazza di san marco they throw a baby towards you in order for you to put your hands out, whilst the man quickly sneaks into your back pocket whilst distracted.

  7. I see some Gypsies are still practicing their old traditional lifestyle.  The article didn't say whether these children even attend school regularly.  My guess is that this is not a priority for the parents.  

    Some Gypsy leaders have encouraged their people to give up theft and scams, settle down, and get an education.  But of course, some of them haven't.

    It's amazing to me how these nomadic people have maintained such a distinct culture over the centuries.

  8. yes thieving gypo's

  9. gypsies make a mess of the place they cause trouble whereever they go. we had a horse fair in our town was full of gypsies they trashed the place and made lots of trouble.

  10. as long as they stay there and dont come here to uk

  11. That's no surprise to me. I recently had gypsies stay in my local park and the children would deliberately block peoples pathways and when they finally left the park was in a terrible state - mattresses left in the park and rubbish everywhere.

    My mother (a foster carer) once looked after the children of gypsies and trust me they had been looked after terribly. She looked after the youngest two out of seven children. Of those seven children (aged 2-10) only one had been toilet trained and the rest were kept in nappies all day with the oldest child being made to change the younger ones nappies. Also, none of the children went to school and the children would be made to cause a distraction in shops by pulling items off shelves whilst their parents thieved.

    I strongly believe that children of gypsies should be put into foster care as these children are almost never educated.

  12. Have u ever seen the aftermath when a band of gypsies break camp

  13. I lived abroad and so this is nothing new to me. When they arrive here and believe me they will, Brown and Co will no doubt welcome them with open arms. They will then go on to tell us what an asset they are, whilst providing them with houses and benefit payments.

  14. not just Italy our city streets are full of foreign scum causing crime

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