
Have you slowed down since gas prices have exploded?

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Every day I see people speeding around, most often in 6 and 8 cyclinder cars! Are they all rich?

I just can't imagine that people haven't noticed a strain on their budget since gas prices have risen so drastically.

Slowing down is one of the best ways to save gasoline. Do you still speed?




  1. yeah i speed and i drive a new f150, don't buy the vehicle if you can't afford the gas is what i always say.

  2. Speeding saves time , my time is more valuable than a few bucks in gas. I didn't buy  a supercharged Mustang to piddle along at 55 MPH.

  3. I am riding my bike to work.  I don't go out of town if I don't have to. And I go under the speed limit. I quit  eating out and eat at home it is less expensive and taste better anyhow.

  4. well i have slowed down on getting out as much cause can't afford to :(...but i do the speed limit

  5. I have a 17 year old vehicle (that still gets better mileage than the average vehicle today), so I can't go very fast.   Do make sure to leave on trips so I time my driving on the freeway to be very early in the morning so I don't block traffic.

      Most people will just blame someone else for their money problems and not bother to change their driving habits.

  6. I still speed - I drive even faster to compensate for the people that have slowed down. Sometimes in the triple digits through school zones. I must drive!

  7. I don't speed around per say but I haven't changed my routine. I can't, I work and go to school, gotta get to those places somehow and my jeep is the easiest way. Its going to be an expensive summer, sad...

  8. I never speed, but I haven't slowed down either.  I drive as fast as I legally can.

  9. Half the people are not even rich they just living over their head the know it themselves too.  They are struggling just like ever medium wage person.

    A lot see it as faster you get their less gas you use although its backwards slower you go more u get although in newer cars in city mileage you get less then highway mileage.

    I tend to see people doing it them selfs also you have to take notice a lot of cars don't run on gas any more more run on veggy oil, or this little disk you put in your car filled with hydrogen!

  10. I have been forced to take more vacation days off from work. Haven't had a raise of any sort in 5 years and can't afford the gas to go to work and back.

  11. Slowed down, eating lunch at work to reduce commutes.

    I feel the same way.  I live south of dallas near the country area and there are BIG trucks and SUV's all over the place.

    I sit there puzzled wondering if people are raking up debt like crazy right now.

  12. i should but no i'm always late so...

  13. I ride my motorcycle more easier on gas and doesn't take so much to fill it.

  14. Yes.Tired of paying the Pelosi Premium at the pump? Hold Democrats accountable for their broken promises.

    Congress is the one that runs the economic.Bush and Congress Which ones worse?Approval ratings for the Democrat Congress worse than those for Bush.

    This website will show those uneducated the CONSTITUTIONAL power Congress has. Read up on what kind of control Congress has on War and Money. Then if you still believe its the Presidents fault, you have moved from Ignorant (unknowing) to stupid (knowing and not caring)

  15. yes!! my parents are even changing their cars cuz of the gas prices!

  16. i have slowed way down,gas is now 3.75 a gallon in chapmanville wv

  17. The real problem is that it is caused by propagating Global Warming. They should be sued.

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