
Have you started Christmas shopping yet??

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Have you started Christmas shopping yet??




  1. once you start this you have it for christmas right after catch all the sales

  2. Yes. I start in June and July.  I'm a planner and I always use the months of October and November to bake and really get ready for guests and do the holidays up right.  I like to make sure I have everything done early so there isn't any stress.

    Peace &  Love :)

  3. Yeah I have started Christmas shopping but that's because I wont have much money at Christmas so I'm getting stuff now instead!

  4. aarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh............ no i have 12 big birthdays before christmas but it is coming round quick ain't it !!

  5. yes. picked up some toys that were reduced to a very low price.

  6. but christmas is still months away. there will be big sales on stores 2 months before the christmas.

  7. Nope.

  8. Probably around September or early October.  

  9. No, i dont think about Christmas till around mid-November

  10. yes 4 month ago

       u  angry man  

  11.  by december  i just think about  baking all the goodies..

  12. i am planning to buy a thong for my daughter...or is that a suitable present that santa would bring? maybe not. she is already 19 so it should be ok right????

  13. Not yet, but I plan to start getting/pre ordering a few things that I think I will have a hard time getting, especially the Elmo Live!

    I wa just checking out Walmart and KB Toys new toys page.

  14. Well, im not an adult or anything so i technicly don't "Christmas Shop" for everyone, but i have started to make some decorations for people =) for example, i but things for my mom,dad,sister,dog ( it's their Christmas too! ) but i usually go with my mom to pick stuff out for my grandmas, and grandpas,and aunts,and uncles, a kid can't really afford tons of gifts by themselves! lol, here is the website i use for decorations:

    but i always give everyone like a basket of decorations!

    Merry Early Christmas!!

  15. The only Chrismas shopping iIdo is for the travel tickets to get away from it all.

  16. OH god no!!!  I hate Christmas with a passion...depressing as h**l!!

  17. Actually, I have. I bought a few things on-line that I thought an aunt would like and two beautiful Christmas books my nieces. If I see something at a good price during the year, I buy and store until Christmas.

  18. no way, i don't get into that until after thanksgiving.  so many things can change from now till then, people might change their taste, size, like different things or you might not even be on talking terms with the person by then, you just never know!

  19. what????????????

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