
Have you started to 'panic buy' your fuel yet?

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Old Gordy (gotta pick a pocket or two) Brown apparently said 'DON'T PANIC' the other day in lieu of the pending tanker driver strike on Friday. So, I decided not to panic because I believe every word he says - of course. Well it's only 1 in 10 fourecourts that might go low on stock isn't it?

What are you going to do then?




  1. No.  I don't really need petrol, I can walk everywhere I need to go.  

    If my husband can't get petrol he'll have to work from home.  I think the government should encourage more companies to get their staff working from home anyway.  I know it can't work for all jobs, but a lot of computer based jobs could be done from home and the employee only needing to go in to the office once or twice a week instead of 5 days.

  2. I walk almost everywhere  o.o

  3. Absolutely!

  4. I think the 'big dogs' in the fuel industry should be forced to drop one level of elegance in their personal vehicles per every $10 increase on each barrel.  For example, lets say Mr. Oil Devil drives a beautiful Mercedes SUV.  He pushes to raise the price per barrel by $30, he should then be forced to drive a Kia Rio, without air conditioning.  It wouldn't be long before either a.) fuel cost goes down, or b.) big oil will fund programs for alternative fuel.   It will never happen, as they have no souls or compassion for the 'average Joe'.  It doesn't hurt to dream though, right?  ;o)

  5. Not going to panic,Just buy normal amount.

  6. Ive already panicked and filled up,

    I have to get to work by car, as there is no public transport in that area. no work no wages.

  7. It's only shell tankers that are striking no need to panic mr mainwairing,don't tell em your name pike lol I'm gonna use tesco,bp or texaco and not worry about it, it might have a good effect because shell will lose a lot of money over 4 days and might drop their prices(hopefully) to make up for it and then the others might follow suit and drop their prices you never know stranger things have happened

  8. I walk as little as possible, use the car whenever I can, but I haven't panic bought, don't even need to queue, just go to the HGV pump while all the drivers of little cars have to wait at the pumps. but I did fill my car ( a lovely gas guzzling Landrover, don't bother moaning about it, I don't care!). Cost me £100, but so what. I also filled my works van, and we have been told to fill up every day, which I will, but I'm still not panicking.

  9. If the government say dont panic then we should all start PANICKING now ! ! !

  10. No as I don't own a car

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