
Have you taken anything for water retention that actually works?

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In the morning I wake up with a flat stomach but it's never quite flat in the evening, it's def just water retention, I have a healthy diet so don't know if I could take something or if anyone has any tips




  1. just cut down on salt if anything else fails.

  2. limit salt, but also try dandilion root tea or caplsues (you don't want chemicals in your body....dandilion is natural and safe) also, I know it sounds wacky , but drinking lots of water actually retains(maintains) our water balance, therefore cutting down the bloat.

    You dont need to ELIMINATE salt (cuz you NEED sodium, just not loads of it).  Happens to me too.  I get belly bloat by the end of the day and I am definitely not overweight.  Also. try a good multivitamin with B vitamins and Chromium.

  3. Cut down on salt and stay away from carbonated drinks.  They will bloat you in a heartbeat.

  4. Sona- Diuretic, got it from boots, did the job for me

  5. Vitamin B6 works wonders, easily and cheaply available.  Try a tablespoon or two of lemon juice in hot water first thing every morning, it is a very powerful diuretic and also cleans the kidneys and liver, makes your skin look better too !  

    Dandelion tea is easily available and very effective, doesn't taste great though !  

  6. Drink nettle tea its a diuretic.

  7. The best thing you can do for that is drink alot of water. The more water you drink the less water your body retains believe it or not. Make sure you drink 64 oz of water a day.

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