
Have you thanked Al Gore today?

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Send him a E-card and say thanks why you ask...he is the single most practical inventor ever.

he invented the


Telephone pole

light bulb


global warming

rabbit pelt jackets

and the board game jenga

Did I mention the semi colon




  1. So I see you got a lot of answers of the kind you were trolling for.  But let's get serious for a minute.  First of all, as the person who posted the snopes site pointed out, these myths have been debunked so many times you would have to be Rip Van Winkle not to have heard.

    Secondly, run out & buy the latest issue of Vanity Fair magazine.  They have a very interesting article entitled "Gore and the Media" about how the media misrepresented Gore in 2000 and perpetrated all these myths about him because it fit into a narrative they liked and he was hard to understand.  Check it out!  The more informed you are about the facts, the less likely you will be to believe just anything someone tells you.

  2. I'll be more than happy to email him the middle finger.  He still owes a friend of mine from when he was running for president and I intend to collect for my friend.

  3. Yeah, isn't he great?

    I am not so sure about the semi-colon though. :-)

  4. Urban legend

  5. Well, the global warming thing could be a direct result of the energy used by his personal mansion, suv's and jets.

  6. You know, I can see your tongue in your cheek - however, I think he really did invent Global Warming as a political issue...

  7. Ooh! Thanks for reminding me. Al Gore, thank you for not running for President again.

  8. Thanks Mr Al Gore  NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!

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