
Have you thought about September 11, 2001 today?

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Let us not forget the warriors and heros




  1. No, I thought more about our vets and those who are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This is a day to celebrate freedom; our own independence.

  2. not until now!  thank you for upsetting me! :(

  3. Not until now.

    I was blissfully leaving the past behind me.

  4. Yes, of course since I live in NYS. Especially with yesterday being 4th of July and my son enlisting in the Marines recently. It is a constant because our lives changed forever. Americans became vulnerable and then we engaged in an unwinable war.  And I was just reading about a Greek Orthodox Church that has not yet been rebuilt nor has the WTC.  Which by the way is absolutely breathtaking so far. It is good to remember. Those of us who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

  5. Thanks for the reminder

  6. no

  7. this question and all these answers remind me of a great song that i believe if more people heard they would think differently..

    Go and listen to it at

    please listen to the whole thing, with an open mind, and dont judge it right away.

  8. Thank you.  No I hadn't.

  9. No, but should have.  Let us not forget the horror and also who is responsible...Aghanistan based Al Queda.  Why are there forces in Iraq?

  10. Why would I want to remember people that got killed years ago, when there are fresh killings in Iraq and Afghanistan every day? I am being sarcastic, because it wasn't as big a deal. Thousands of other people die everyday. The people who died on 9/11 aren't any more special than the thousands of people who got killed after that.

    Learn to grow.

  11. Not today, but I do think about that horrific event quite often....Today I thought about the state of our country, and our soldiers....and what is going to happen in our future...It's a very uncomfortable time, in my opinion...We really do need change in the USA.....

  12. not until you reminded me...

  13. I think about it every day. RIP Sam<3

  14. Not until you brought it up.

  15. Actually, I have been thinking about it. Two things come to mind:

    Firstly, you stated "let us not forget". Now, is that the best strategy? Israel, who have to deal with terrorism on a daily basis choose to clean up quickly and move on. Most countries treat the threat of terrorism as a police action and not a declaration of war. Considering most of the hijackers were Saudi Arabian, we invaded the wrong nations.

    Secondly, about 3, 000 innocent men and women died because of that event. However, more than 100, 000 people have died from murder in America since then. Ought we not to remember them. And maybe do something to control guns in this countries since more people die in American hands  than foreign ones.

  16. I actually did.

  17. Nope, I never actually think about september 11th, but then again I'm not american, if I were I'd probably think about it every now and then because it's kind of patriotic but considering I'm australian and september 11th didn't actually affect me personally then no.

  18. Probably not the same way you did.

    I see 9/11 as our nations "Reichstag Fire" and mourn for what we have lost.

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