
Have you throne anything out lately?....a poem, care to comment?

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A life throne away

By Jellz, by jove

I tried to make time quickly pass,

just the other day.

Didn’t do me any good

I really have to say.

Gave me gastric panging

and put me off my food.

Had to sit for several days

and left me in a mood.

Forced me to review my ways,

my habits and my diet

I wouldn’t recommend it

friends, don’t go on out and try it

Slowly still the better spent ,

time may have some essence.

Some things should be leisurely,

matched to my aging presence

Let not your life be throne away.

Keep regular in your living.

Your body will remind you

it’s not easily forgiving




  1. Many of your words deserve a throne of their own.

  2. The throne did not seem to throw off your flow of words! Funny and well penned.

  3. May I use this with some of my patients?  

    "Constipation is no fun,

    heed Jellzies  warning,


    Prune juice and vodka for the house, on me!

  4. "Hi!'

    Oh so funny.LOL! : )

    Loved it, great job.


    Cheers : )

  5. yer its not bad,

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