
Have you time for a salty Trigee?

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An Ocean Trigee

by C.S. Scotkin

This warm sea………………Softly rolling in

has noticed me……………...Thetis knows

I breathe her ancient………..salty secrets

rhythms, rhymes…………….from oldest times

Based on an earlier Poem




  1. You made me google Thetis, not bad!  Nicely done.

  2. cool beans. I really liked it great flowing rhythm of the poem and the mention of the  sea and everything.

  3. In your poetry you are very akin to the Nereids.  You must feel close to the sea to breathe her rhythms and rhymes.  Thetis comes alive.

  4. This is so far above most of the awkward attempts to create good poems by using this ridiculously unwieldy form. Even the best of us have been thwarted. And so I award the highest accolade possible, not bad for a trigee.

  5. This is normally not my favorite form to read, yet a few really surprise me, forcing me to admire them, not only the form, but the content and emotion expressed within them.  I saw the earlier post and love what you've done with the part I loved the most!

    Now do one with the final lines of that original poem!

    I will look for it!


  6. This Trigee expresses the feeling that the sea, ancient as he is, will always be part of us. We ARE the sea. Strange, that you should feminize the sea. The sea is male and will always be so.  

  7. I thought you did an excellent job penning your thoughts. I think I'm giving up on this form, however, because most of what I see suffers from the struggle to make it work. It's just not for me. Good luck!

  8. Amazing. Absolutely love it.

    PS xoxo 4 George & Gracie.

  9. oh ye nice dude!

  10. Okay, I'm going to have to try one of these things; you're starting to make 'em look easy. (That's a good thing.)

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