
Have you time for seven lines?

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"Empty Words" - septolet


could write

the most beautiful



my soul invested,

it means nothing.




  1. Agreed.  

  2. You are so right!

    Words to live (write) by.

    *HEY! I lost my pretty orange thingy!

    When did that happen?

  3. a truth repeated through the ages "though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love, I am become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal"

  4. Even if your written word seems nothing to you - it might mean something to your readers.  I believe that no word is for nothing. Effects are had - whether the words are "heartfelt" or not ♥

  5. Well, THESE words were not empty

    but filled with truth and wisdom.

    So glad I had time for seven lines!



  6. Yes!  The poem would be lifeless - inert.  

  7. we

    could read

    the most beautiful



    our souls listening

    who would know?

    (just exercising thoughts, love the septolet!)

  8. Thank you one thousand times over.  You have echoed my sentiments precisely.

  9. You are a very wise poet whose soul always shines in her poetry.

  10. Yes,


    thus very true and


    more true

    words could not be spoke

    by anyone else

    (I don't know--just giving it a shot)

  11. EDIT: It has been pointed out to me by several of your new boyfriends that I am sometimes cold and heartless when answering your questions. If so, please accept my apology, if I am correct, and you didn't know you had any new boyfriends...

    Please tell them that I was your last ya'!

  12. Truer words were never spoken.

    Very nice.

  13. very took a little while for me see what ur getting at but i believe that if u write a poem without truly being a part of it, then it wont mean anything....very true!

  14. Perhaps it has no meaning to the writer but if audience enjoys it, shouldn't they be allowed to. I know what you mean, just looking from another position

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