
Have you tried Rescue Remedy

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Have you ever heard of anyone becoming ill or having a bad reaction from Rescue Remedy?




  1. I use Rescue Remedy for mild anxiety and it does help. I also know people who use it for their animals. While I don't personally know of an adverse reaction I guess there will be a few people  who do, although the concentration of essences is minute..  

  2. Yes i did once in 1980 .Hundreds of people and great people were seated when some program being watched and i was in the first row.

    I saw yonder there was a wire burning.I got up ran there and i don't know how i did it but entire live burnt wires were beaten by my both shoes .I was glad that no fire at all.One General thanked me.

  3. I have tried it, and I've never heard of anyone becoming ill.

    Homeopathy is useless though.  It doesn't actually have anything in it that acts on your brain, so any and all effects are imagined.

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