
Have you tried Splenda? Does it cause bad side effects like other artificial sweeteners?

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So much conflicting information....some sources say Splenda is made from real sugar (although arguably how healthy is processed sugar in any state going to be?) and others say it is nothing but chlorine.

I've always had bad reactions to artifical sweeteners (severe headaches, joint pain), and am leery about trying another one. However....something has to change. I''m at my top-ever weight, and even though I'm 47, I feel too young on the inside to look like my grandmother just yet....

So is anyone using this successfully, and if so, have you noticed any adverse side effects?




  1. I've been using artificial sweeteners as a subsitute for sugar in almost all sweet things I eat. It has no calories and it tastes just like sugar. However people do say it is one molecule away from being chlorine, and it is...but no one has experienced any adverse side effects from it. It's just a scare. They tested it on lab rats but not people. Some people, with a rare disease called PSP or PHP or something like that can't have artificial sweeteners because it contains Phelat.....some big word...which makes it really bad for them. However, no one has died from eating artifical sweetener and people probably just have headaches because it doesn't suit their body. My advice is to go with it but eat it in moderation first and then eat more if you want just to see if you experience any bad side effects but be sure it's not just placebo!

  2. The Union of Concerned Scientists has said there are no bad side effects from Splenda, and they're pretty good about accuracy.  Personally, I don't like the taste unless it's mixed with real sugar.  

  3. I have experienced headaches and a kind of fog with other sweeteners but never with Splenda. I also use Stevia but it has a bitter aftertaste.

    I have not experienced any side effects with Splenda.

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