
Have you tried alternative medicine (ex. accupuncture, homeopathy, etc)? Has it worked for you? more details..

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I feel cold almost all of the hair is falling out...I feel tired all of the time and my memory is shot. I am 38 yo. Sometimes I think I am losing my mind. I recently went to see my doc who did some bloodwork which came back OK but I "just know" that something is not right. I am thinking of trying something else because regular docs are not finding anything...any info on alternative medicine which has helped you is greatly appreciated.




  1. Have you been tested for thyroid imbalance?  That might be what you have, but who knows?

    Look for an alternative doctor in your area.  They will look at the whole picture that is you, meaning they take into account family background, diet, exercise level, stress levels, relationships, and spiritual aspects.

  2. Do you take daily vitamins with iron?  Your tiredness could be that your Iron is low. If your iron is low, your hemoglobin could be low.  That will make you tired.  Sounds like you could also use some Vitamin A for your hair loss.  You may have poor circulation, being cold all the time.  Pycnogenol is an herbal supplement that will help increase your circulation.  I've used it for years.  It's also a good antioxidant, helps fight off free radicals that can cause diseases like cancer.  I'd start taking regular vitamins with iron first and see how it makes you feel. I hope this helps and that you feel better soon.

  3. It might help to think of alternative medicine as "integrative medicine," something to try in addition to medical care from a doctor. There are some good studies showing it can be helpful. Here are patient stories/advice about different types of intergrative medical approaches:

    Good luck.

  4. Consult with an acupuncturist. A good one may be able to help you. I have had great results with muscle and joint problems thru acupuncture.

  5. I have used accupuncture, but that was for a pain that i was having.  It works on headaches and different pains throughout your body.  With the thinks that you have going on sounds like your diet is not good.  One thing i did was take out caffeine and that helped alot, i drink alot of water and that helps and i take iron for being so tired and it really worked and i'm never tired like i was.  But these are just some of the things and i do hope you will get some help as your body seems to be shutting down and your young. Good luck to you.

  6. I have become a convert of alternative therapies and use nothing else now! Kinesiology is a favourite, along with osteopathy ... but number one in my book is biofeedback - it's so unbelievable it's magical! Sometimes it's called 'energy scan'. It gives answers to symptoms you're experiencing instantly, specifically and so very accurately.

    So very different than going to visit a doctor, where mostly you leave the office no better off than when you went in!

  7. Look up a Holistic Chiropractor.Do your research and find credibility.I know of one in Massachusetts.Let me knw if it's close.

  8. 1. Get a second opinion, or demand to see a specialist

    2. Alternative  medicines are wonderful, I have tried acupuncture, massage therapy, biofeedback and homeopathy.

  9. I am a chiropractor.  Chiropractic and massage has helped me alot.  My immune system is challenged.

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