
Have you tried both skiing and snowboarding?

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If you did:

1. which one do you prefer?

2. which one is easier?

3. I've tried only skiing (I'm pretty good at it) and I want to try snowboarding too, but someone said that it would be very hard for me to learn it...what do you say?




  1. I was a skier for 10 years and recently tried snowboarding for the first time...I am now kicking myself for not having tried it at least once all those years ago. Bought my first board tonight and can't see myself ever picking up skis again, I'm already better at boarding than I ever was at skiing. I think you should try snowboarding at least once just to get a feel for whether or not it's your thing.

    As for difficultly, I found it more important to get early group lessons with snowboarding, otherwise you're just constantly falling over without making any real progress.

  2. Yes, I skied for 11 years and then switched to snowboarding and have been riding for 9 years.

    1. I prefer snowboarding - I got bored with skiing after a few years.

    2. Snowboarding is easier to get to an intermediate level but harder to get really good at.

    3. I say knowing how to ski actually helps you learn to snowboard because you already know about snow conditions, reading terrain, how to lean back in powder, some things are the same. I say give it a try - I bet by the 4th day on the slopes you are hooked.

    Good Luck

  3. with snowboarding u have to remeber ur whole body isnt facing forward anymore, its hard at first but deffinatly worth it once you get it down. i used to ski and i tried snowboarding once or twice then got addicted, just rent one for a day and take a lesson and see what you think.

  4. Ooh ooh i live in colorado and so ive never tried but im gonna try it this weekend!!!

  5. i have never tried either sorry

  6. 1. I prefer snowboarding by far.  Skiied for 12 Years and never had nearly the fun I have on my snowboard.

    2. Learning as a beginner on a snowboard is more difficult than beginner skiing.  I found that advancing past the beginner/novice stage on a snowboard so much easier than skiing.  Short story: harder to get started but easier to get better.

    3. Go for it!  Try snowboarding, but give it at least 3 days on the snow before you make up your mind.  Please take lessons!  You can just hop on the board and expect to learn yourself or have a friend teach you.

    Good luck and have fun!

  7. both i prefer snoeboarding but the easiness if up 2 u!! most say skiing but i am better a snowboarding cuz ive done it longer

  8. I currently do both, have been skiing for 20 years, snowboarding for last 7.  

    Which do I prefer?  That depends entirely on where I am, who I'm with, and how I feel when I get out of bed in the morning!  They both have a place in my heart.

    Which is's easier to learn to ski then to snowboard for sure....but don't let that stop you from giving it a shot!  Just know this...go at least 3 times before you decide if you like it or not, and I'd even say to take a lesson to make the learning curve shorter.

    Most of all have fun!

  9. i used to ski for about 7 years but i started to not like it so i tried snowboarding and have been for the last 6 years. snowboarding, i think, is a lot more fun. and the people wh snowboard tend to be more chill/laid back so you'll easily meet new people as long as you're not that shy. it's a little hard to start out and your butt will get pretty cold but it's one of those things that once you get the hang of it you don't really forget

    if you do decide to then keep with it don't give up! =]

  10. Not for you specifically to learn it, its hard for almost everyone to learn.  With skiing, you learn the basics fast and it takes a while to improve, snowboarding is the opposite, it takes several days to learn the basics but you improve quickly. I skiied then switched to snowboarding and haven't been back since.  I also work at a resort signing people up for ski school and all that.  You can definitely learn to snowboard, just know that its not a weekend thing. It takes several weekends to get down the hill without falling.

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