
Have you tried castor oil to induce labor?

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If you have actually tried this, could you please share your experience?

Also do you have to be already starting to dialate and efface in order for this to work?





    I saw this prego pizza on tv thats what it does

  2. This is a very selfish thing to try and do...

    It can cause..

    Severe Fetal Distress

    Severe Dehydration

    Severe Stomach Cramps

    Severe passing of the meconium resulting in a near death incident for the baby..

    This is very very dangerous to try regardless of what other posters might say and no matter how many thumbs down I will probably get on this...I really dont care...its been proven that castor oil does in fact cross the placenta, and can make for a very sick baby!!!!!!!

    I've seen more than one baby born after mom did this, the thick goopy meconium that has to be sucked out of the lungs is SICK! And trust me when I say if you have ever seen just one baby from this you would never do this!

    It soooo very sad to watch these babies struggle to take their 1st breath of life and can't!

  3. Yes, with my first pregnancy and I got real bad diarrhea.  I was in the bathroom all night.  Later on I did go into labor, but I can't tell you if it was because of the castor oil, or because the baby was ready to come out.  I was only a centimeter dilated when I went to the hospital, so more than likely, I would say you don't have to be dilated.  It's very unpleasant, so I wouldn't recommend it.

  4. I had to take castor oil, when I was a little kid.

    If your 2nd bun in the oven tast's it.

    It will break your water, you won't have to induce.



    (") (")

    2nd Bun

  5. yes i did and it did nothing for me except bind me up for 3 days

  6. I talked to my Midwife about that at my last appointment cause I'd heard so much about it, and she says it is really not a good Idea to do, not safe for you or the baby at all. . all it does really is give you horrible diarrhea. and puts you and the baby in horrible discomfort. and it is just really not safe.  so I would not do that. I can understand being impatient because you want your baby here, but your baby needs to keep developing till he/she is ready to come out. it's better for your baby to wait. good luck and Congrats!

  7. oh god... do not try this. i did it and it was the WORST thing i could have ever done. i was soo desperate to have my baby. i drank it, started having the worst back labor, and had contractions every 5 minutes for 4 days before i started dilating and my water was slowly leaking out and i couldn't eat because i was contracting and it would make me throw up and also, it gave me diarrhea. Also, since i had been contracting for soo long, my sons heart rate would drop lower than mine with every contraction and he came out blue and purple. not a good idea at all.. i would just let nature take its course. Im 31 weeks now and i would NEVER consider or recommend trying this.

  8. Okay, well.... I was a week late with my daughter in February, and my husbands mother said I should drink some Castor Oil to help everything get going - because that is what she did with him.. I left it at that and later on that night when we went home, I sat down with my husband and I was very upset. I yelled at him and said, "Honey, why would your mother EVER drink motor oil while she was pregnant with you! You could have gotten really hurt!"

    Needless to say, I got laughed at... =]

    I have heard that it causes major problems -- so my advice to you, just wait, and when your little one is ready - s/he will het you know. Trust me. =]

  9. My Mom told me that it worked for her when she was pregnant with me, so when I ended up being over a week late with my daughter I was willing to try anything.  Did not work...and it was nasty.  I ended up being induced at 2 weeks a 1 day passed my due date...grrrr.  

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