
Have you tried this Red Pill?? (It's Paranormal...Wonder if it makes you levitate!)?

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That's where I'll be till I get back. Check it out and tell us what you think about it.




  1. They should be careful what they ask for.

    If the Red Pill will feature phenomena that are claimed to be real but which require no supporting evidence then just about every kook on the planet will be posting articles there.  Then you'll have a non-standard open forum of nonsense on your hands.

  2. Thank you for the link.


  3. Interesting they don't have a privacy policy (clicked the button - says it doesn't exist)

    Maybe it's just a method of rounding up all the free thinkers to make the problem dissapear in the future. Remember there are a lot of major players who would rather nobody talk about certain things. Would be quite easy to edit the truth wouldn't it?

    ( I've tried PM'ing you Deenie, but unfortunately cannot.- email me if you want to chat)


  5. Maybe try this pill first and learn to lucid dream before you try and learn how to levitate, mastering lucid dream would be a simple mental exercise compared to learning to levitate.

  6. The following is a direct copy/paste from the page that you posted the link to ....................

    The Red Pill is a project to catalogue all of those things on the stranger side of reality, from new paradigm science to alternative history and the mysteries of consciousness. This grew out of Wikipedia's tendency to avoid 'fringe' issues. Additionally, this gives community members a place to browse through the collective thoughts and interests of those who like the taste of the proverbial 'red pill'. So far we have 133 articles written and edited by the community. Check out the Help page to see how you can join in and start contributing right now.

    This is a wikipedia article.  As it says Wiki tends to avoid "fringe" issues.  The "Red Pill" thing is aparently their attempt to touch on those issues, and the "Red Pill" itself, is perverbial, comparing fringe or paranormal issues to a drug ..... (Remember -- drugs are bad for you)  lol

    Actually, I think it's a token effort by Wikipedia to give paranormal issues some consideration.  The term "Red Pill" is not theirs.  It's actually an old saying.  The reference is to the fact that medicine tastes awful.  The comparison is in the fact that most people don't enjoy talking about paranormal issues.  There's a real Tabu about them.  However, as time goes by, the paranormal has a tendency to become normal.  In recent years, certain paranormal issues have gained more and more of a following and a study in mainstream science.  The fact that paranormal issues are becoming more recognized, lessens the tabu on them.  With less tabu, comes more following.  It's kinda like a circle.  With all of this, I guess Wikipedia decided that they better start giving some notice to these types of things, even if it is just a small token.  But I think that, in time, things will gradually improve for paranormal issues and the study thereof.

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