
Have you tried to think before you dream?

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I mean many of us enjoy our dreams, therefore we'd like to have them as much as possible. However, we don't always have them or even remember our dreams.

Have any of you tried thinking about something before you fell asleep that way you could dream of it?

What did you think of and did it work?

Details are appreciated !




  1. i ALWAYS do it helps me fall asleep but sometimes it will help me stay awake, such as lets say im going on vacation tomorrow, ill think of that. or if i just got my first boyfriend or a new crush i'll probably think of them before i go to sleep usually something like that

  2. Ive done it a couple times and ive only had it work once. There is a spirit in my house who keeps bothering us and we (my husband and me) are always trying to figure out who it could be. Finally we came up with the idea that it was our freinds dad who had recently and unexpectedly passed away. I thought to myself and said outloud that if this really was our friends dad that he would tell me in my dreams instead of freaking out our dog, turning the lights on and off etc which really freaks me out. If he were to tell me in my dreams then i wouldnt be as scared. Well that night I had many dreams and although the people, scenerios, and places all changed, our friend was in each and every dream.

  3. Last night i was thinkin about my check coming the next day and i had a dream that it did come and i went to the mall and went shopping and stuff. And guess wat???? My check came the next day but im going shopping yet. That was really good. But yea i try 2 think about something everynight that i want 2 dream about and sometimes it works and sometimes it dont.

  4. I've tried various times, thinking of problems or something like that that I've been having to hope that my dreams can sort it out, but it's never really worked for me.  Oh and you dream every night, you just don't remember most of them.  One good way to remember them though, on days that you don't have to get up for anything (like no alarm clock), wake up naturally and then don't move for a few minutes, sometimes it can bring them back to your memory

  5. No. I sometimes have natural dreams but they are usually unpleasant. I just close my eyes and think for a while. It's better than regular dreaming.

  6. i always try to do that. I'm thinking about what my new school is going to be like. it works sometimes

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