
Have you updated your GCC insurance policy?

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Are some areas due to coastal locations? Is this a sure fire way to determine that GW is a scam?

your reflection please.




  1. Old news.

    Insurance companies for some time have said they won't cover industries who emit greenhouse gases for liability because of that.  Their point is that global warming is scientifically proven and so damages caused by industries are deliberate acts, which are not covered; not accidents, which are covered.

  2. No, that would have been Al Gore's carbon trading company but this is a close second. My main worry is that after this hoax is exposed, the media may turn on all scientists that might be complicit and that may undermine public faith in science. The consequences of that are unclear but probably not positive. It's been 10 years since the warmest year and they still say we're doomed, which is becoming tiresome and sad. Now it appears we're in a long-term cooling trend and they're the ones who are deniers. If you choose to build on the coast or under sea level near a coast, you're in the same boat as someone in a mobile home in an area frequently hit by tornadoes. The government should not bail out people who make poor choices in buying or building a home than they do with stock market losses. If you can't get private insurance, you're out of luck. If you choose not to get it when you could have, you're both out of luck and stupid.

  3. It seems to me that change in policy-writing argues FOR insurance companies believing in global warming, not against it.  If a company does not believe in global warming, they can write policies that undercut the prices of companies that do, and snatch business away from them.  Then the market will be the arbiter of which policy was better.

  4. I have met this kind of situation before,here is the place I found useful.

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