
Have you used Ethanol? Does it work the same? Could it be harmful to your car? It's cheaper, should I switch?

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I really would like helpful responses. I live in IN and gas is getting really expensive here and gas with Ethanol is cheaper. Will it hurt my car to switch? I mostly do "in town" driving... does that make a difference?

Can anyone help? Thanks guys!




  1. I live in a state that uses that mixture and gas mileage is awful. I drive to the nearby state where gas taxes are cheaper and the gas doesn't have this mixture of Ethanol in that robs your gas mileage.

    Example: DTE (in my car shows how many miles with the tank is full)

    mix city/highway

    320 to 340 miles range with gas not using Ethanol mixture.

    400 miles if just highway only.

    240 to 260 miles range with gas using Ethanol mixture.

    300 miles if just highway only.

    You can see the huge difference. I was wondering why I was getting very poor range with the car. Now I see why. I drive V6 3.2Litre but the car gets 20 city 29 highway average 320 miles city/highway mix and 440 all highway.

    If you start using this mixture you might not notice the reduction of car mileage after a few fill-ups then you will. It won't harm the car as to your question just reduce gas mileage. So in the end you really do save.

  2. i wouldnt try it the ethonal you would need a flexfuel automobile

  3. almost all of us have used some ethanol at one time or another . its slightly blended in unleaded gas( at least in California) but full Ethanol should be used ONLY in cars designed to run it! Ethanol is lower than regular unleaded in octain rating and your ECM wasn't designed to operate quite that low. also the price is high when you realise it gets much worse fuel milage than regular unleaded.Look I'm all for getting free of opec and for that matter all these un realistic fuel prices but at this moment the solution isnt corn based. lets back hydrogen technology ! I'f we are indeed facing global warming and the worlds ice caps are melting , this means the ocean would have pleanty to spare and we would be assisting there.  ps sorry Cat but your off on this about the e85  if your car wasnt set up for it its NOT recomended, I asked about it with my honda Fit and they said absolutely not!

  4. If you have a car that is nine years old or newer, it was designed to run on the lower octane and multi blend gases. In Ind. the only suggestion I would have is when you know it is going to be around,or below ten degrees use 92 octane or higher until it gets warmer . It will start better.Good luck

  5. Don't use E-85 unless your car is equipped to run it as it will take out your $500 fuel pump, rust your fuel lines and eat all rubber parts in your engine including parts of the fuel injectors plus you will get 12 to 15% less gas mileage with it.

  6. If your car does not say FLEX - FUEL forgetaboutit.  Your car WILL BE DAMAGED by E85 (E85 = 85% alcohol - not 85% Gasoline).  Alcohol is corrosive at that level.  It will corrode (rust) the tank and fuel line if the car is not labeled FLEX-FUEL.

    BUT (there's always a but), E10 is safe.  NYC have been using E10 (10% ethanol) for over 10 years and there's no problem.  Even my old 94 Civic have been on that for a long time and there's no problems.  It actually increase the octane and help you pass the emission.

    Good luck...

  7. don't you have a 98 honda civic?  is it flex fuel?  read the manual.

    if not you will be in the shop.

    e85 does not provide the same mileage as reg gas.

  8. if your vehicle is not a flex fuel or multi fuel vehicle, do not do this. you will damage the fuel system it self costing you way more that the little cash that you saved on the last fill up. if you insist on doing tis, you will need to change the fuel lines and many other parts.  

  9. No it won't hurt your car if you run the new E85 fuel it is still 85% gas and only 15% corn alcohol if you have ever used dry gas you are doing the same thing.

  10. if your car is designed for E85 then go ahead.  otherwise no more than like 10% ethanol in gas.

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