
Have you used dramamine during a cruise? DId it work?

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I dont usually get sick on ships, but the feeling is still there. Ick...

Will dramamine help? DId it help you? thanx




  1. I have used the non-drowsy formula of Dramamine on my last 3 cruises with great success.  Start the first dose as you start the embarkation process so it will be in your system when you sail later that afternoon.

    I tried the seabands but they only bruised my wrist and they were hot.

    The larger ships have less motion than the smaller ships so if you have an option, the ships that are 110 tons and larger are very smooth!

  2. you may want to look for the non drowsy vesion of it. Regular dramamine will make you tired.  Also, the seabands work fairly well.

  3. Yes - but it knocks you out.

    There are some better medicines that won't do that.

  4. Yes, it will help it is what the cruise ship will give you if your sea sick.

  5. BETTER than Dramamine - an over the counter drug called Bonine.  Take it before you get the funky feeling, and you'll feel completely fine.  No drowsy, no funky belly.  

    Bonine is awesome!  I use it for open ocean paddling - for long distance races in moderate swells... and can compete without side effects.  When on a Princess cruise w/ my Mom, we had some nice rollers coming, so we each took one.  Two of our friends were sick ALL day, and we were perfectly fine.  

  6. I have used the metal clips, dramamine and the motion sickness patches. The last two worked but I'd recommend the patches since you're less likely to get drowsy and they work continuously. I used the Transderm Scopalamine patch, I think they're still prescription only but a single patch worked for several days.

  7. I Use c-bands you put on your waist, it's a pressure point you wear on the bottom of your waist. IT works great I have them for 8 cruisess soon to be 9 soon in two months.

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