
Have you used martial arts in a real fight?

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If so, how effective was it and what martial art do you do and how long have you done it for?




  1. My friend I studied Kyoko shin kai, Kenpo, most my life (twenty years). Both are advanced forms of Karate. I allowed myself one street fight when I was drunk and ended up serving 10 years of a life sentence for Killing two men in a bar fight.  Not worth it! I hurt a lot of people.

  2. yeah i got into a fight with some kid

    he told me that he could beat the c**p out of anyone

    i challenged him.

    2 words: Gracie Jiu-jitsu

    he tried to hit me, i took him down, rear naked choke..

  3. I'm a TKD black belt been at it for 3 years. I used my martial arts before even reaching black belt when I got in a fight with this, guy. I don't feel like goin into detail but I can tell you it was one on one, no weapons, and i didn't use any kicks. But I used loads of knees and a self defense technique, I was pleased with the results.

  4. Sorry!  Once I returned home after going to the grocery, and found 2 guys robbing my house.  I had no martial arts training, so grabbed a broom and beat both into submission & called the cops.  While waiting for the police, I continued to wave the broom over their heads!  When the police arrived, the robbers said I had threatened them with a GUN!  The police let the robbers go and tore my house apart looking for the GUN!  

    Maybe I should become proficient in martial arts!---or just sharpen my BROOM!

    Hey...aren't the police our friends!?!   (Yeah! Right!)

  5. Well, I think my experience counts more as just someone trying to be an a** while messin with me--but it could've easily been a real fight.

    When I was in highschool, some idiot surprised me from behind--got me into some kind of hold where my arms were prettymuch spread out(it's difficult to describe). And I couldn't get any leverage to throw him, since he was movin around so that I could barely keep my feet on the ground.

    I'm not sure if there's ANY martial art that deal with getting out of the hold I was placed in --but if there is, I'd love to learn it, so that way I can get out of it during a REAL attack.

    Anyway, the martial art I knew back then was Shotokan karate, and I'd been doing it for 5 or 6 years around that time.

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